Treatment of nail fungus with folk remedies is widely used in people's daily lives for many good reasons. First of all, this is the naturalness of such drugs and the almost 100% absence of side effects (the only exception, perhaps, is the body's partial rejection of individual components).
In addition, "folk" recipes can successfully complement treatment with traditional pharmaceuticals, and often doctors themselves recommend them to combine them. Also, the price factor plays an important role in its popularity.
There are many popular recipes aimed at fighting fungal diseases, including in the groin and ears. In this article you can read the most effective and common of them.
recipes with plants
This is the most popular category of home remedies for nail fungus, since many modern pharmaceutical drugs contain components of the usual flora in their composition.

- tea mushroom- one of the most common means against mycoses. Nail fungus kombucha is mainly used in the form of lotions and compresses. A plate of kombucha or part of it should be applied to the diseased areas of the nail plates of the hands or feet, wrapped with waterproof material (cellophane is usually used more often), and put on clean socks. The procedure is carried out in the evening, shortly before bedtime, the compress is removed in the morning. After applying the compress, be sure to rinse the affected area with water and clean the nail plates, then lubricate with iodine.
- Celandine. Another leading popular way to combat fungal infections. From nail fungus celandine can be used both in its pure form and in celandine oil. Soak the juice of the leaves or the oil with a cotton swab, apply it on the nail damaged by the fungus and cover it. Keep such a compress should be 4-5 hours. Lotions to do up to the complete rehabilitation of the nail plates.
- Kalanchoe. This common houseplant can also help in the fight against fungal diseases. Separate the callanchoe leaf from the covering film, put it on the nail, wrap it with cellophane and put on a sock. Repeat every night until recovery, in the morning be sure to treat the nail surface with sterilized manicure accessories.
- golden mustache. You can make a tincture of this plant yourself, but to save time, you can buy it at a pharmacy. Tincture recipe: pour 50 joints of the "golden mustache" with half a liter of vodka or pure alcohol, leave for 14 days. Then one part of the tincture must be diluted with three parts of water. Rub into affected skin 2-3 times a day.
- mint. Mix crushed mint leaves with salt and spread the resulting suspension in the interdigital folds for an hour. The compress is applied once or twice a day until recovery.
- Indian chicken or onion. The juice of this plant helps with nail fungus and fungus in the interdigital area. This juice should be gently rubbed into the infected areas of the skin 1-2 times a day until it heals.
- Spurge. Half a glass of dried plant collection must be diluted with a liter of boiling water and infused for half an hour in a water bath. Use the infusion for 7-10 days.
- pineapples and needles. Pour 250 grams of crushed needles or cones with alcohol (at least 70%) and leave in a dark place for two weeks. On average, such compresses need to be done for about two weeks.
- Thyme. Dilute 3-4 tablespoons of dried herbs in boiling water, cool for an hour. Soak a soft cloth or bandage in the resulting solution and wrap the affected area. It is necessary to withstand the compress for two hours twice a week.
- Rowan. Fresh rowan leaves are good for getting rid of harmful fungal spores in spring and summer. Crushed leaves are applied to the diseased area of the skin and fixed with a soft cloth (bandage). The lotions are made every day for 30 days.
- Air. The roots of this plant are sold in pharmacies. Grind the root, add 100 ml of boiling water, pass through a sieve. Take orally 2-3 times a day.
- Lilac. Another "spring" antifungal recipe. Add a glass of medical alcohol to fresh lilac flowers, leave for 15 days. Lubricate with infusion the areas of skin damaged by the fungus.
- Pear. Crushed pear leaves have a healing effect similar to antibiotics. Dilute 1 teaspoon of crushed leaves with 250 grams of warm water and heat a little on the stove. Once the solution has cooled, compresses can be applied to the affected areas.
- Garlic. Grind 1-2 cloves and add a little table salt, strain. Treat diseased skin with infusion 2-3 times a day.
- burdock. A fresh leaf of this plant should be cleaned (in no case should it be washed under running water), the veins inside the leaf should be slightly softened (so that the plant juice appears) and the affected area should be lubricated with it, then fix with a bandage and leave for several hours. The procedure is carried out within three weeks.
- cockle. Squeeze the juice from the leaves, soak a cotton swab or other absorbent material and apply to the infected skin until complete recovery.
- Herb mix: calendula, oak bark, blackberry, verbena, horsetail herb. About the same amount of ingredients pour 200 grams of water, put on the stove and boil for 20 minutes. Leave the solution for 2-3 hours, it can be taken orally or used for compresses. Inside: a tablespoon 3-4 times a day. Apply compresses before going to bed.

Folk remedies for nail fungus with pharmaceuticals.
Despite the fact that the main ingredients of such popular recipes are sold in a regular pharmacy, they have a number of features that distinguish them from highly specialized antifungal ointments. Firstly, the price differs significantly (as a rule, it is much lower), and secondly, "folk" remedies are only one of the components of the recipe, and the method of their application was developed decades ago. Below is a list of the most popular and inexpensive ways to treat fungal infections.
- Propolis. Treatment of nail fungus with propolis, along with "herbal" recipes, is a very effective and popular traditional medicine recipe. Moisten a swab with propolis tincture (20%) and apply it to the infected areas of the skin or nail plate. Apply until a healthy nail grows.
- Eucalyptus oil. A good antifungal ointment can be obtained from the oil of the eucalyptus tree. You need to mix 30-40 grams of oil with 15 grams of honey and add half a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Leave the mixture for three days in a cool, dark place. Rub the affected skin area once a day until the symptoms of the disease disappear.
- Hydrogen peroxide. Before applying the solution, it is necessary to steam the nail plates damaged by the fungus, and only then carefully apply the solution with a cotton swab. Clean the skin twice a day until the signs of the disease disappear.
- Salicylic ointment.Treat damaged areas of the skin and nail plates with a 35% solution of this ointment before going to bed, then wrap it with cellophane and put on socks. Repeat the procedure until complete recovery.
- Rosemary oil. Rosemary is also good for toenail and fingernail fungus. The oil is suitable for the treatment of arms, legs and torso. Apply before going to bed until the signs of mycosis disappear.
- Iodine. Treating nail fungus with iodine is one of the simplest but most effective ways to combat fungal diseases. A 5% iodine solution is gently applied to the infected skin areas at least twice a day. The duration of the procedures is 20 days. However, when using the drug, a strong burning sensation may occur. In this case, the number of rubbings should be reduced to 1 time per day.
- A solution of glycerin, iodine and vinegar.. Mix in the following proportions: a tablespoon of glycerin, iodine, vinegar, 2 tablespoons of boiled water. Lubricate the affected skin with the resulting solution overnight.
- birch tar. It is sold in any pharmacy, before use it is recommended to wash your feet well with laundry soap. Method of application: soak a cotton swab in tar and apply it to the affected areas, then wrap the foot with a bandage and put on a clean sock. You can also use a special tar soap for nail fungus.
Popular antifungal recipes "from the pantry".
This category of popular yeast infection remedies can be found on the kitchen shelves of your home. Treatment of nail fungus with such folk remedies is not inferior in popularity to traditional drugs. The most popular products and recipes from them:
- Coffee. A very popular means of combating mycosis, and therefore one of the most effective. It is necessary to prepare strong bean coffee and let it cool down a bit, then briefly dip your hands or feet in the drink. From nail fungus, coffee helps almost immediately - itching disappears, the skin becomes smoother and healthier looking.
- Vinegar. Treatment of nail fungus with vinegar is carried out as follows: the feet should be soaked for several minutes in apple cider vinegar or wine, after washing them well. Most of the time, vinegar treatment is for foot fungus.
- Lemon. The feet should be well steamed, then soak a cotton pad in lemon juice and make a compress that lasts no more than an hour.
- Salt. Sea salt from nail fungus is used in the form of daily foot baths (hands can also be steamed). Recipe: dissolve 100 grams of sea salt and 4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in 5 liters of boiled water, soak your feet in the resulting solution for half an hour.
- Vodka. In a quarter cup of vodka add a teaspoon of lemon juice and a half teaspoon of potassium permanganate, mix, leave for 3-5 days. The infusion should be treated with infected areas of the skin and nail plates twice a day.
- Eggshell, vinegar and butter ointment. Pour vinegar into an empty egg and put it in a dark place, after the shell has dissolved, remove the film and add butter to the resulting mixture. Treat skin and nails twice daily until recovery.